Sunday, December 28, 2008

Awww! Cute!!!

OMG!!! As you all know, I love cupcakes! And yes I have been neglecting to post my daily cupcake sitings, but its the Holidays! Gimme a break! I LEFT THE COUNTRY FOR GOODNESS SAKE! But as I was saying, when i saw this adorable cupcake fairy it made my heart flutter! So undescribably cute that I had to post a pic so u could see for yourselves!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Rasta Skank Slut Bitch And Her Slutty Minions Pt. 1 and 2

I usually have silly or happy posts, but I just saw the most disturbing videos and I think that everyone who visits my page should be aware of this blasphemy. Since they have been removed from youtube due to distasteful content, I have made the title of this post a link that will take you to a page where the first video can be viewed. Couldn't find part 2 sorry. I warn you, it is truly disappointing.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I know! I know! I've been getting pretty lax with these postings. But here are some pics of Beautiful me at FAMU's Homecoming 2008!

This me and the long lost but Oh so loved Deanna!!!!! I love you Boo!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Beautiful vintage Cupcake Clutch that I am in love with

This gorgeous little number was featured on a site called all things cupcake and I must have it!!! Its soooo cute!!! What better way to say that life is sweet! I know all of you who love delicious treats like me understand..... and for those of you that don't, STOP HATING!!!

P.S. I linked it to the shop site, not the cupcake site, so if u wanna buy have at it!!! The more cupcakes the merrier!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The mysteriously loud TV debaucle

Ok, so I"m at work, trying look busy when all of a sudden one of the TVs gets extremely loud. I mean so loud that i cant hear anything.... not even my own thoughts!! People keep yelling at me to turn the TV down, but i cant because 1)I didnt turn it up to begin with, and 2)There are like 20 working display TVs in electronics!!! Thankfully beth walked by and used her amazing bionic ear to find the mysterious loud TV!!! Then she got a ladder and turned it down!!! Thanks Beth!!! Wave for the camera!!!

Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®

Monday, October 20, 2008

I cut my stupid finger

Ok...this is a story about the stupid way I cut my stupid finger....or thumb i guess. I was cutting something with these dumb scissors at work, when I realized... Hey! These scissors are filthy! So I started to rub the side of the blade to clean them... Next thing I know, I'm missing a huge chunk of thumb! How dumb is that!

Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The most perfect cupcake!

I came into work tonight, and sitting on the table was the most
deliciously perfect cupcake. It was my favorite flavor (chocolate), with
icing in my favorite color (purple), and it was decorated in celebration
of my favorite holiday Halloween! Oh lovely cupcake! A shame I had to
eat u!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fallin out of love....

Yea its a hard thing...luckily I'm crazy, so I can do stuff like shave a
star in my head to keep my mind off of things.

Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®

Oh yea! The tat is finally finished...for now.
Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Birthday wish list continued.....

Ok I know I haven't exactly been keeping up with the wishlist. So frigging what! I've been going through some things people sheesh! Bear with me. Anyways...... don't you hate when people say annoying. But yea, I decided I want a sugar glider or some other small furry pet to be my friend. One with a brain large enough to recognize me. They can be found at the sugar glider store. Or other pets can be found at the pet store!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Peace Up...... A-Town Down!!!

This is my beautiful little sis and I at the Verve lounge in ATL


This is us chillin wit Michael Blackson inside. He's a very nice guy who I think is in love with Athena! LMAO


Ha Ha Ha....this tiger print lady was spotted outside of the verve lounge in ATL lmao. What a mess!!!

This is me eating sushi at RuSan..... $1 for 3 woohoo! Too bad i was sad...

she was sad

This is the Sushi MMMMMM-MMMMMM- Good

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Yet Another Cupcake Siting....

This one was seen on the arm of a very nice, very cooperative lady in a store called rag-o-rama in little 5 points. One of our many adventures on our weekend in atlanta!

Friday, September 26, 2008

A series of unfortunate events

The care free beautiful woman you see in the post before is no more. My Prince charming of 2 years has finally left me for good. Struggling to come to terms with my loneliness, I have been constantly reinventing myself causing one disaster after another....its sad but I think its funny too.First I did the normal thing and got my nails and eyebrows done, that's always relaxing right? Wrong! I ended up with a bald face! So I went and got hood pierced and got a new tattoo. Not impulsive cuz I've been planning this for years, just never got off my butt and did it! My good friend got her hood pierced too...cuz she loves me! Prince charming came for the tat but that was even more painful.'s the tat! And of course...since the classic is this weekend and I'm "officially and irreversibly" single, I decided to get a new do lol. Unfortunately I just ended up looking like peggy bundy! Oh well viva la ATL! I'm still gonna have fun!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Beautiful and Fabulous


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Cupcake siting # 2

Ok so I know I'm sorta behind but here's one from a birthday balloon

Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Golden Birthday!

As you all should know, my birthday is coming up next month. Not just any old birthday, but my Golden Birthday. That's right, I will be turning 23 on the 23rd of October, which means I get everything I want. Henceforth I will be posting a daily listing of one thing from my wishlist. Including pics, descriptions, and where it can be found.....Listing# 1: Girl gourmet cupcake maker. Self explanatory. Walmart toy section.

Cupcake siting # 1

I've been thinkin..... what is the purpose of this blog? Well, my page is called oh look! Cupcakes! So I feel like its my responsibility to deliver cupcakes to you... non stop! With that being said, I will now be taking pictures of cupcakes I encounter in my everyday life and posting them to my blog (no google uploads). Please hold your applause until the end..... Thank you.Cupcake siting: This little treat was stitched on a shirt in the infants section at walmart.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

mobile blogging = awesome

Didn't think I'd figure it out ehhh! Well I did so look out world. My blog is officially linked to my mobile device ha!

if all of the rain drops........

Were gummi bears and gum drops, oh what a rain it would be! Omg I don't understand why the time and date will not show up right on this stupid blog! Arrrggghh! Maybe cuz I'm blogging from my mobile device. I dunno but whenever I put in the time and date for my post, it acts as if I'm posting at a later date. Then it puts the post under scheduled! I can't dea with it! That's my tirade of the day....bye!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

chain of events...

Ok soooo... me and my friends do this thing called random chain of events. I guess its somewhat of a game, but not really...I guess? For example, Like u kno how sometimes ur mind wanders and ends up somewhere entirely different from where it began? U ever stop and actually recap the chain of events (thoughts) that lead u to those thoughts. Well we do! And its really kinda fun.
So lets say ur driving in ur car and u see a bum on the side of the road, which reminds u of the bum on the side of walmart with a blank sign that ur friend saw. Then u think about ur friend and wonder if she's still gay (u never know with that one), which leads u to think about that extra hot gay girl in ur lab. She's so hot. Which reminds u how hot the class is and now u can't remember if u put on your extra strength deodorant or just the regular or none at all. Cuz this is definitely an extra strength day. U start thinking that maybe u should invest in a man deodorant for days like this, cuz it smelled so yummy on the guy u hooked up with. He had really sleepy bedroom eyes....kinda looked like liner. Oh crap! I gotta buy liner! SCREEEEECH!
So u turn around and head to CVS and ur chain of events is over lol.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I think I'll start a blog...

Soooo... I'm at work. Yea it pretty much sux! Gotta make it thru the night tho. I hink I'll start a blog. Unfortunately I'm only missing my ultimate favorite show ever! I got mondays off so I could watch it but they moved it to tuesdays! Arrrggghhh!