Thursday, September 11, 2008

chain of events...

Ok soooo... me and my friends do this thing called random chain of events. I guess its somewhat of a game, but not really...I guess? For example, Like u kno how sometimes ur mind wanders and ends up somewhere entirely different from where it began? U ever stop and actually recap the chain of events (thoughts) that lead u to those thoughts. Well we do! And its really kinda fun.
So lets say ur driving in ur car and u see a bum on the side of the road, which reminds u of the bum on the side of walmart with a blank sign that ur friend saw. Then u think about ur friend and wonder if she's still gay (u never know with that one), which leads u to think about that extra hot gay girl in ur lab. She's so hot. Which reminds u how hot the class is and now u can't remember if u put on your extra strength deodorant or just the regular or none at all. Cuz this is definitely an extra strength day. U start thinking that maybe u should invest in a man deodorant for days like this, cuz it smelled so yummy on the guy u hooked up with. He had really sleepy bedroom eyes....kinda looked like liner. Oh crap! I gotta buy liner! SCREEEEECH!
So u turn around and head to CVS and ur chain of events is over lol.

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